Greene Media

Video and Podcast Production

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The easiest way
to become the trusted
voice in your industry

We help B2B businesses get more clients, referral partners and strategic partners through our done-for-you podcast service.

Benefits1. Generate new leads for your business.
2. Increase clients, referrals, and income.
3. Establish trust with your audience.
4. Share your message widely.
5. Position yourself as a trusted expert.
6. Boost website and social media traffic.
7. Network with industry leaders for quality referrals.
8. Produce content that attracts potential clients.
9. Gain clients without being on call all the time.
10. Strengthen relationships with ideal customers and partners.

Customer Testimonials

High quality video testimonials will transform your business unlike anything else.If you could only produce 1 video this year, this is the one without question.We create these all the time and it is my favorite video to produce.In a world of ROI and metrics, it doesn't take a data analyst to understand that having your happy customers go on the record talking about why they love your business, is a valuable asset.

Video Podcast

This is going to sound bias, but podcasting is one of the highest leverage forms of marketing anybody can do.It is a win-win-win model.The only down side is the investment of time.In today's microwave culture, a long-form discussion isn't for everybody.But if you have the talent to host an interesting discussion, there is gold waiting for you in the conversation.Your podcast does not need to hit the charts for it to change your business.The relationships you develop from the interviews alone will open doors nothing else could.On top of that, the important piece many people confuse is this... WHO is listening is exponentially more important than how many.If you want a podcast that works, you found your guy.

Talking Head

Daniel wanted to create a quarter's worth of content in 2 hours... so that's exactly what we did.We took the 40 most frequently asked questions and recorded video responses.He also had a couple scripts he wanted to precisely communicate (like this one), so we loaded them onto my teleprompter and he delivered.Daniel only wanted himself on camera. Below is an example of taking a Talking Head video and adding more elements to promote engagement and retainment.

Paid AD

This client wanted a concise video to sell more of his tree treatment service. Along with shoooting the video, I helped him organize the script in a way that would create the most impact for the viewer. In this case, we used a proven copywriting framework of Hook, Problem, Agitate, Solution, Call To Action.

Project Showcase

The goal was to create an asset for the sales team because churches are an ideal customer for this company. This company wanted a combination of something that showcased their craftsmanship, a client testimonial, and a glimpse into their own culture. This video accomplishes it all.

The Right 15 Seconds Can Speak VolumesThis roofing video hit over 225K organic views. It's proof that effectiveness isn’t always about duration.

The client, Incline Exteriors, specifically wanted a Youtube style video of this project. Something less formal and more fun. Their goal is to be famous in their 5 mile area, and videos like this that include well known landmarks help.

Company Overview

This company wanted to explain to a group of business leaders what they do and how they help.

Service Explainer

This video was made in the COVID era, hence the masks. However, I still love how it explains so clearly what to expect when getting your air ducts cleaned. What service do you provide that you know like the back of your hand, but your customers have no idea what to expect?

Abrakadabra is one of the INC. 5000 fastest growing companies. Greene Media has been creating monthly videos to help educate their customers on how their services work. Demystifying the customer journey is a true unlock for building trust.

Videos for Real Estate

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